
person typing on silver Macbook

Is Your Business Losing Money Because Employees Can’t Use Tech?

Shiny new tech can be exciting! It promises increased efficiency, happier employees, and a competitive edge. It’s also necessary to stay competitive in today’s technology-driven business world. But that promise can turn into a financial nightmare if you neglect two important things. These are employee training and change management. You can end up losing money …

Is Your Business Losing Money Because Employees Can’t Use Tech? Read More »

Smart Tactics to Reduce Cloud Waste at Your Business

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate. It offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. But cloud services also come with a downside: cloud waste. Cloud waste is the unnecessary spending of resources and money on cloud services. These services are often not fully utilized or optimized. About 32% of cloud spending is wasted. This can …

Smart Tactics to Reduce Cloud Waste at Your Business Read More »

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How Small Businesses Can Approach Workforce Technology Modernization

Technology plays a pivotal role in driving efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. For small businesses, workforce technology modernization is both an opportunity and a challenge. Embracing modern technology can empower small businesses. It can help them thrive in a digital era. Yet many of them don’t keep up with modernization. For example, over 30% of small …

How Small Businesses Can Approach Workforce Technology Modernization Read More »

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These 18 Sustainable Tech Habits Are a Win for Your Bottom Line

In today’s world, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. Businesses around the globe are increasingly embracing eco-friendly practices. This isn’t only for the positive impact on the environment. It’s also for the benefits they can bring to the bottom line. Sustainable technology habits are not only about reducing your carbon footprint. They’re also …

These 18 Sustainable Tech Habits Are a Win for Your Bottom Line Read More »

Updating Pro Tips

To continue our Cybersecurity Awareness Month series, we’re taking a look at the wonderful world of updating your software and apps!  For this week’s Micro Training, learn the benefits of updating systems, and gain some tips on how to efficiently and effectively protect your devices through updates.